Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Trademark Search Report & Registration

Describe your trademark

Name :
Logo :
Slogan :
Sound :
More :

Trademark Usage

I am currently using the Trademark :
Yes   No
I used the Trademark for the first time on :
I intend to start using the Trademark in future :
Yes   No
I have used or will use the Trademark on these goods & services :
website address (optional) :

All the text, online forms, pictures, icons, graphics, Java applets & scripts, software, & other works on this website are the copyrighted works of MarkScience, PLLC.  Any unauthorized redistribution or reproduction of any copyrighted materials on this website is strictly prohibited.  

MarkScience is a registered Trademark of MarkScience, PLLC.  All rights reserved.